First few words

A short introduction of who I am

Posted by Tib Averus on 28th Jun 2024

First of all, thank you for visiting my blog!

I'd like to share a few quick things about myself to show who I am. My name is Tib, and I'm an indie game developer primarily making games with anthropomorphic animals. On the side, I sometimes help out with web development.

Before I continue, I'd like to point out that I'm not an expert at all! Almost everything I know, I learned from others online, from documentation, and from books. So the things I'll write in these blogs will almost never be the "correct" way to do things. Instead, I'll write about how I did things, what worked for me, what I learned from failing, and how I managed to learn from those failures and try different approaches.

Currently, the technologies I know best are the following:

  • .NET and C# (Godot's .NET version, ASP.NET, WinForms)
  • PHP (some experience with Laravel and the Slim framework)
  • GameMaker Language

Additionally, I have some experience with Linux system administration tasks, setting up a basic web server, configuring a few things, and using the terminal comfortably. I'm always happy to help out people who want to get started with game development, or just programming in general! The easiest way to reach me is through Telegram or Discord (tibaverus).

For now, that's all. Whenever I feel like it, I will definitely write more blogs like these to share my thoughts.

Thank you for reading!